We're your biggest cheerleader Mrs. Seifert!

Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness
Mrs. Seifert- On this page, you will find all your information about your health and wellness progress. Updates and plans will be posted here!

Why Fad Diets are not Successful
-Focuses only on one type of food groups so the person doesn't have a balanced diet.
-Weight loss is temporary.
-Will gain more weight faster after stopping the fad diets.

There isn't a need for physcial activity which can lead to cardiac arrest and other heart problems.

Fad diets do not provide nutrients necessary to live a healthy life style.

Here is a information link about fad diets:


Truth about Carbs- Good vs Bad Choices
Carbohydrates are a source of energy that the body needs to function. They are found in fruits, vegetables, beans, dairy products, foods made from grain products, and sweeteners such as sugar, honey, molasses, and corn syrup. There are simple carbs. complex carbs and fiber (indigestible carbs) which all help the body by either providing nutrients for health or some calories. Some people like to try low carb diets which is good for short term weight loss but not long term. The body needs to have carbohydrates for health and energy and will freak out when there is a lack of carbs. To get enough carbs and still be on a diet, just eat good choices and keep things in moderation. Carbohydrates don't need special treatment. 

Ways to Prevent Diabetes:
Diabetes is a major illness that is very common. Even though it is heredity, there are ways to prevent it. 
1. Exercise for atleast 30 minutes everyday
2. Try to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight
3. Do not intake too many trans fat in your diet
4. Avoid eating food with high amounts of sugar, bleached flour, and carbs
5. Eat a decent amount of fiber

Importance of Antioxidants 

  • Antioxidants are good for health, like Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E.
  • Mostly found in vegetables and fruits.
  • Antioxidants also boost the immune system.  If you get sufficient levels of antioxidants, you are not only less likely to get sick; it may also be  easier for you to fight off diseases you may get.  Along these lines, antioxidants may also help you heal faster when you have an injury; large or small.
  • Many fruits and vegetables like berries, tomatoes etc have antioxidants which also helps to increase the oxygen level in blood and slow down the aging process like wrinkling of the skin.
  • They also boost our cellular metabolism.
  • One more important Antioxidants can do is to reduce the risk for cataracts (eye disease)
  • They also help a person to lose fat because they boost the metabolism rate and also fight the toxins which are stored in the fat.
  • On top of all they reduce the risk of cancer too.
  • Some antioxidants help to control blood sugar.
  • Antioxidants also prevent our body against cell damage.
  • They also help to prevent various age-related diseases, cancers and heart disease.

Tips to a Heart Healthy Diet 
Eating too much fat, sodium, etc can put you at risk of a heart disease. Try to intake more fiber and less fat, sodium and few calories.
-Less fat: found in meat, milk, cheese
-Less sodium: great amount of sodium increases blood pressure. 
-Fewer calories: More calories lead to weight gain which leads to risky heart diseases.
For more info, check out this site! :)
-Also intake more fruits and vegetables.
-When buying food, study the nutrition label for the amount of fats(saturated, trans, and cholesterol)

Stress Reducers
We all experience stress and it is always in our daily lives. However, we must always maintain it and release stress in a healthy way. Stress is influenced by both external and internal factors just as job, family, sleep, and nutrition. Stress is usually to alert the body that it needs a change or adjustment whether it is physically or emotionally, but too much stress can hurt the body.
Here is a link that explains what stress can do to your body!

Stress reducing techniques:
1. Identify what causes you stress
2. Sit down and take slow deep breaths
3. Start a stress journal: record your feelings and what causes you the stress and what you want to do.
4. Go workout-exercise releases endorphin, chemical that makes you feel better.
5. Meditate/yoga

Water and Sunscreen (3/8/12)
Spring is here which not only means spring break but also the weather is getting warmer and the sun's ray's are dangerous to our health. Over Spring break you will probably be outdoors with your family and friends enjoying the warm spring weather. To keep your skin healthy and damage free, always remember to wear sunscreen. The best SPF to choose is to be at least SPF 30. This will protect your skin from the harmful rays. 

For more info on how to choose the best sunscreen for you, check out this link!
This link will answer any question you may have regarding your skin health and sunscreen!

Because the weather is getting warm, your body will get dehydrated pretty fast. To maintain your body's hydration level, remember to always consume about 8 cups of water each day. Try to carry around a water bottle throughout the day especially during warmer months.

Fun Ways to be Active Outdoors (3/8/12)
-Garden: Spring brings a fresh season to grow your favorite flowers,  fruits or even vegetables. You may be plowing, planting seeds and even building your garden which will require physical activity. You can be active and enjoy the season.
-Walk your pet or spend time at the park
-Yoga in the fresh air outside
-Family picnics: when you are surrounded by the people you love, you can play fun family games with the children or pets in your family and just enjoy yourselves.

Health and Wellness Chart
We have made a chart recording all of your vitals such as temperature, blood pressure, pulse, etc. This chart will help you keep track of your health and wellness and will show your progress through this session. Your vital measurements will be taken every time we consult with you!

To view this chart, just follow this link! :)
Health and Wellness Chart 

Weekly Goals:
Goal (Week 9-12): This week intake good carbs into your diet and make good decisions in choosing good and bad carbs. For more information on carbs, check the information above! Also diabetes is a major health condition nowadays and fad diets are also used. We have posted information on ways to prevent diabetes and why fad diets are not effective. This week focus on choosing food with good carbs!

Goal (Week 7-8):Maintaining a healthy diet is vital and to do this you have to have a balanced diet. Antioxidants enrich your body, giving it the things it needs to function properly. Above we have information on antioxidants and how they help your body. Please check it out for more information! This week, incorporate a range of foods with high antioxidants to your diet. 

Goal (Week 5-6): As you stay true to your healthy diet, make sure your diet consists of food that promotes good health for your heart. To prevent any future heart risks, exercise and eat food with less fat, sodium, etc. Above we listed some websites and information on heart healthy diets you can incorporate into your own and also tips to a healthy lifestyle. Also, stress is very important in trying to maintain your health. Everyone feels stress at one point, but there are various methods in reducing stress in a healthy way. This week focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and ways to reduce stress! :)

Goal (Week 3-4): Over Spring Break make sure to apply sunscreen and keep yourself hydrated when you are out in the beautiful spring weather. It is getting warm and the sun will damage your skin and dehydrate you and will affect your health overall. However make sure you enjoy the warm weather and try to stay active and maintain your diet! Also continue to record your food and water intake and exercise activity on the chart! Have a great Spring Break! ;)

Goal (3/2/12-3/9/12): Begin recording your food intake, water intake and amount of exercise activity during the week on the chart we will give you. This will help you keep track of how many calories you are in-taking and how much of it you are burning off! 

This overall health and exercise chart is on google docs and we shared it with you. You can either record on the online doc or hand write it on the chart we will give you, choose which ever one is convenient to you! :)
Follow this link to view the chart! Please make sure you fill this out daily!
Health and Wellness Overall Intake and Exercise Chart

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